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Repair Info

Sorry that your piece is in parts. In many cases, it can be fixed up good as new. Peter stands with pride behind all his work and is glad to see his art live on, if possible. He fixes only his own creations. The process includes costs for repair, return shipping and patience. We do our best to be realistic about the timeline for repairs. It can take weeks even for seemingly simple repairs, because Peter’s primary focus is creating new work for shops and shows.

Follow these instructions for repair:


1. Send photos of the damage to With severe breaks, send a photo of the piece before damage as well . You will be contacted when Peter makes an estimate.

A few disclaimers: it’s not always possible to discern the full extent of the damage until Peter can examine it in person. We will let you know if the estimate is more after he sees it. Sometimes replacing a piece is easier and less costly.

Also, repair inherently puts the piece at risk. It requires time in the kiln, reworking and re-finishing. We handle all work with care, but can't promise the repair will go exactly as planned.


2. Collect all broken parts

Include as many structural pieces as possible. No need to send bits from torn edges. Handle all parts carefully. Watch out for sharp edges! Any removable parts that are in tact should be kept and stored in a safe place.


3. Wash functional pieces

We require and appreciate your efforts to clean anything being sent in for repair. Do not ship anything dirty. Try any or all of these suggestions. Repeat if needed:


  • For tough jobs, make a solution half white vinegar and half water. Soak pieces in vinegar/water solution, or pour into piece and let sit overnight or a few days. Rinse with hot water and wipe if possible. Rinse with warm water and let dry.

  • For internal residue, fill piece less than half full with warm water, add 1 tablespoon coarse salt and a few drops of dish soap. Cover openings and gently swirl and turn so entire interior is scrubbed clean. Rinse with hot water and wipe if possible. Rinse with warm water and let dry.

  • Soak in isopropyl (even overnight). Rinse well.


4. Wrap and package

Wrap pieces individually in bubble wrap. Collect all pieces in a bag or attach together so none gets separated. Rubber bands are user friendly for wrappers and un-wrappers alike; too much packing tape can be challenging to unwrap. Put inside a well padded box for mailing. Make sure there are a few inches of foam, bubble wrap or peanuts around all sides of the glass. Choose a sturdy cardboard box for shipping. Envelopes can get crushed and are NOT recommended for shipping glass. If you have a pelican or hard case to ship in, make sure it also has adequate additional protection on all sides inside a sturdy box.

Double boxing is recommended for extra protection.


5. Include return contact info

Inside the box, include the following information - bonus points for legibility!

First and last name, mailing address, email, ig, phone. Please note which contact is the best way to reach you. Also include any helpful description or details like: multiple spots to repair, joint change, etc.


6. Mail will provide the shipping address. Priority mail is recommended.


7. Payment

When your piece is ready to return, we’ll contact you to arrange payment, confirm shipping name and address. Paypal is the preferred payment method. Let us know if you need a different payment option. 


8. Patience

It can sometimes take a few weeks before repairs get their day at the torch. We know you are eager to get your buddy back. Thanks for your patience!

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